Thursday, July 23, 2009

5 very embarassing things

Once again, I open my innermost secrets to all of you. Okay, so they're not life changing, scarring, or ruining, and you probably couldn't blackmail me with them, but they're pretty bad. Somehow though, sharing them makes me a little more self aware and happy. I guess in a way I am proud of the terrible things I love/do. Which sounds a lot more insinuating than I mean it to be. Whatever. Just read on. I hate introductions.

1) I have cried during a lot of Ugly Betty episodes
Fact. A sad, but true, fact. Maybe it's because I seem to watch them all during some pivotal turning point in my life, snuggled up in bed at 1am. Circumstances have a lot to do with emotions. But really, if I am alone and it's quiet, I probably will cry at something in an episode. They just know how to tug on your heartstrings! Betty misses her dad's birthday because of work, and he at it he has a heart attack, and she IGNORES HER SISTER'S CALLS as their father is rushed to the hospital. Then Elliott Smith starts playing as the montage of sad faces begins. Oh god, here it goes. And her old flame Henry is back for the 17th time and it's all "ooh emotions I thought I'd forgotten" etc etc. And they kiss it's messy, and "I miss you", and "No we can't!" It goes on and on until I can barely contain myself.

2) I enjoy Enya's music
And what are you going to do about it? I practically grew up on Enya (along with a lot of Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, and classical msuic), so she is imbedded in my brain whether I like it or not (especially the "Sail away!" part of one of her songs). Luckily, I do like it. When I am stressed out, too tired to move, or just feeling depressed, a good round of "Watermark" or "A Day Without Rain" really puts me in a good place. It's soothing, it's quiet, and her voice is very beautiful. Hate all you want; bitch has got TALENT. Now inventing her own language, that's a whole 'nother Enya I'd rather not go into...

3) Some of my favorite books are the "Shopaholic" series
I started reading the first one after going "Junky Book Shopping" with my mom for our summer road trip to Palm Springs. When you're sitting by a pool in 110 degree weather, the last thing you want to do is think too hard over a huge volume of Descartes' theorems on space and time. Anyway, I picked this one out. The description hooked me: "Becky has a fabulous flat in London's trendiest neighborhood, a troupe of glamorous socialite friends, and a closet brimming with the season's must-haves. The only trouble is that she can't actually afford it–not any of it." Oh hell yes. Independent girl facing life issues in a big city. That's intriguing. I bought it, read it, and suddenly...I needed more. I read the entire series and even bought the new one when it came out. I found myself actually growing attached to Becky, her friends, her life...what can I say? She's adorable. And I like having something easy to read now and then; we can't all be the next scholar of French philosophers! Although I do love me some Voltaire and Rousseau...

4) When it comes to Rupert Grint, it's like I'm 13 all over again
Not even joking. I think some of my friends are starting to get a little ashamed of going to see the Harry Potter movies with me because I fawn over him like a teenage girl. And there is a very deep buried part of me that still believes we would be great together; if we met, and bychance got to spend some time together, I swear to god it would go very well. And I am a sucker for that red hair. Who isn't? Look at him! Even his onscreen character, Ron Weasley, is appealing to me. But I guess it's time to snap back to reality. I have to approach things from a serious standpoint. Which means I should start using that scientifically proven correct six degrees of seperation test to see how I can meet him...

5) I used to run about 5 or 6 fansites
And believe me, they were all for very embarrassing, stupid things. One was for Ron Weasley, another for Pippin from Lord of the Rings, and a third for Joel Madden from Good Charlotte. I swear to God, if you laugh, I will haunt you. I am opening up my soul to you by telling you these things. I loved making websites and would use basically any excuse to make one. Fansites seemed perfect! I put up loads of useless information that didn't do anything to advance humanity or create a better world at all! Their birthdays, favorite colors, and pets. I created galleries of images just of them! What better way to fill up the internet than with pictures of a little Hobbit and wizard boy? I can't think of any. Unless it's for pictures of a tattooed pop punk band lead singer with a whiney voice. Oh god, kill me.

Add to the list the fact that I rant on here to basically no one. No one that I'm aware of anyway. Until next time, keep it real like I just did. The world doesn't need any more lies.

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