Friday, July 17, 2009

urban outfitters needs to be taken down. now.

Before I say anything else in this piece, let me just start off by saying: I am underweight. Gasp! No! Yes. I am. And it's how I have been my whole life. I naturally have a very thin figure and I don't carry a lot of weight. So I have always looked very skinny. It's led to some awkward comparisons and a few nasty rumors at summer camp, but overall I have always been happy to be like this. I am proud of my body (daily affirmation: check).

In addition to this, I am often asked if I am a model because of my physique (I'm assuming, because it's certainly not because of my face), and even used to be a fit model when I was younger. I almost never have problems buying clothes because everything seems to fall on me pretty perfectly. While this is great, I do feel bad because I know it's those skinny ass jeans and tight shirts that lead to eating disorders and a general feeling of self loathing in America. But they do fit me! Gah! What am I gonna do? I know I am not an average girl, that I am much thinner, and probably look like a bit of a freak some times. They shouldn't be catering to people my size at all! I am the minority! Me! The size 2! Make more size 6 and 8 pants! For God's sake, that's what normal people wear.

Now bear all that incessant rambling in mind as I state the following: I have never worn anything that makes me look or feel fat. Obviously. I am tiny. How could this be possible. Well, reader, yesterday I put on a skirt and it made my thighs look huge.

Yes. My size 2 (or 4 depending on the store) thighs looked huge.

The store? Urban Outfitters. Those motherfuckers.

I'll admit I am a sucker for Urban Outfitter's clothes: they are adorable and trendy. However, because of their monstrous prices, my art student budget, and the general hipster attitude they perpetrate that I kind of try to veer away from, I usually find myself crossing the street to Forever 21 and buying something exactly the same for 30 bucks less. As a result of this, I rarely shop at Urban at all. But yesterday they were having a sale! Half off sale items! So freaking cheap. I had to go in. I found a few things: some skirts, two tops, and a tanktop. And I proceeded into the dressing rooms.

Obviously all the sizes I had picked were smalls. So imagine my utter terror when I put on the frst skirt and I can barely pull it over my underweight butt. What the hell is going on here? I thought in anger. This would never happen at Forever 21! Ashamed and hating myself, I pulled it off, threw it on the ground, lit it on fire, and burned the whole fucking store down.

Nah I'm kidding. I just took it off and kicked it to the side unhappily. But it was a deep passionate kick of hatred! Imagine how my mood decreased when I tried on the next skirt and got the same result. Istarted to convince myself that I had gotten fatter in the butt (oh, college, how I love you) but this is impossible because I am still wearing the same jeans from 11th grade. I started to feel horrible. Not only for myself, but for everyone who shops at this store. I mean, what the living hell?! Here I am, an underweight, tall, skinny, size 2 (or 4), model-body girl and I cannot fit into a size small at Urban Outfitters.

I find this outrageous on so many levels. What do they want girls to do to themselves, starve? Work out till they drop dead? Do the master cleanse once a month? Apparently. I want to take UO down, people. You should have seen how mad I was. I even Tweeted about it and called my friend Karina to yell.

On top of all this crap, I tried on one of the tops in a small and my boobs were showing because they couldn't fill the top. they want us to have extremely small waists but huge boobs? Who runs this company, Playboy Magazine? Womanizers Inc?

Oh yeah, sidenote: they also price all their lomography cameras way too high. You're paying too much for a toy that you can find on Ebay for much less. So much less.

Fuck you, UO.

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