Friday, June 5, 2009

Albany airport ponderings

As I sit here in this uncomfortable leather chair (my butt really hurts) in Albany, NY airport, I have begun pondering my life. Patrick Wolf croons in the back of my ear and people sip their 20 dollar mochas from Starbucks (god damn airport inflation), and I'm formulating in my head some of the best decisions I made and some of the best things I have done with my life. Because this is my blog and it is an outlet to the world (in a twisted way), I want to share my musings. One, because I want to inspire all of you. Two, I am bored as hell. Three, it's important to know what parts of your life you value. Four, did I mention Albany airport is tiny and has like, maybe two cafes and a McDonalds? Fuck. Way to go "capital" of New York state.

In any case, here I go.

Some of the best things I will have ever done with my life
(so far, being as I am only 19)
(in no particular order)

1. Deciding to continue studying everything in French in high school
Come 8th grade, I had a choice: stop taking French Baccalaureate courses and continue on a path with all my courses in English. My whole life, I had been taught in French and it was exhausting since French isn't even my first language. But I knew I couldn't stop after 10 years of French (pre school to 8th grade). So I contineud and chose to do the French Baccalaureate in high school. I had to sit my parents down and talk to them and explain it in detail to persuade them that it was the right choice. I don't regret it. I am fluent in French and German and took some amazing classes mos tpeople don't even take till college, like philosophy and sociology. High school was a wonderful experience because of it, albeit stressful as hell. But still wonderful.

2. Going to Coachella 2007
You may laugh at this one, but I am dead serious. I wasn't sure if it was going to work out but I convinced my parents and made it there in an afternoon before the festival started. And I loved it. I also consider this a valuable life experience; at only 17 I was wandering around with my friend, drugged out hippies and hispters everywhere, in the middle of the desert. The music was amazing and I could not have had a better time.

3. Immersing myself in theater and exchange programs in high school
High school is very fomulative for everyone; and even though the theater program at my high school was intense and time consuming, I am so glad I did it. I acted, stage managed, built sets, directed...I did everything I could. I feel more self assured and confident now in almost every other area of my life, which seems impossible, but it happened. The late nights in the theater working and slaving and crying became worth it. Plus, directing "Museum" by Tina Howe was just wonderful. I love that play and still feel attached to it.
My school also had amazing trip oppurtunities because we were an International high school. I went to Germany and Tahiti on trips with my classmates and had correspondents who I stayed with there. It's like high school taught me how to travel, take care of myself on the road, and meet new cultures. Plus, I now have this unquenchable thirst to travel.

4. Applying early decision to Bennington College
Hands down best thing ever. I remember sitting in my college counselors office with my list of 10 schools and her saying "Even if you got into all these schools, would you still go to Bennington?" and I said yes. She said "Then go for it." I did, I got in, and all my college stuff was done in December. It felt great and I was so happy to be accpeted on a more rigorous circumstance. So great. Now I am at Bennington and adoring it. It's the only place I want to be.

5. Traveling Europe for a month with just a backpack and my best friend
Mia, my best friend, and I had been planning a trip like this our whole lives, but when we finally deicded to just go for it and actually DO THIS THING, we planned it all ourselves. My dad looked for airline tickets to get us to Europe, but once we were there, it was all us. We found inter-country flights, hostels, train tickets; we created an intinerary and decided what we wanted to see and how we could see it. We saved up all year until the trip arrived in July. It was incredible and I am so happy I did it. I think about it every day, and that's not even an understatement.

6. Working for St. Anthony's Soup Kitchen
I guess this one kind of speaks for itself. I love St. Anthony's and think it's wonderful. Plus talkign to the people who eat there is always amazingly interesting.

7. Starting to take photography seriously while simultaneously quitting violin and ballet
This is a tough one, because some times I still cringe and cry when I think about how I just let ten years of ballet and eight of violin fall down the well. Telling my parents I wanted to quit performance arts and pursue visual arts was like coming out of the closet (they both work for the symphony). But then I remember why I quit: I didn't enjoy either one and it was time consuming to the max; spending 4 days a week and five hours a day on something I didn't even like was absurd to me. Around the same time I started taking a photography class at the Academy of Art University that used film and not digital cameras. I fell in love. Now I am studying photography and fine arts in college and really pursuing it. I often pine for past passions, but really, what is a passion that feels like a chore? I take my camera everywhere with me and have not stopped taking pictures since the day I picked it up. Plus now and then I can still jam on an instrument with friends at school.

8. Working at SFMOMA
I took an internship at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art almost on a whim and am so glad I did. I had never thought about the inner workings of a museum before or why they intrigued me, but after spending a week in the Exhibitions department I felt attached and drawn to it. The process of displaying art, archiving art, and working with art every day was so wonderful to me and I loved it. Because of this internship, I discovered museums are something I really do what to do when I am out of college; I love working with things from the past or present and preserving them for the future. I feel like it's my calling.

9. Voting for Barack Obama
Enough said, really. I will live to tell that one many times.

10. Being named India
Okay, this is not my choice. Obviously my parents chose this. But I could choose to embrace it or ignore it. I could have said "Call me Lizzy, my middle name is Elizabeth" or "Just call me Angela, its my other middle name" but no! I totally adore and love my name and believe it makes me who I am. I feel unique and different. Plus, people rarely forget me. Which is conceited in it's own special way but hey. Deal with it. I freaking love this name.

The end!
I'm glad I typed this out actually, that felt really good.
Although now that I am out of my blog trance, I realize my butt is numb and that fucking sucks. I hate these chairs so much. And I kind of hate airports a lot but I guess I should have thought about that before I decided to go to school across the country. Brilliant.

In half an hour I get to walk to my gate and sit in an equally uncomfortable chair until they call my boarding section. UGH. My bags are super heavy and my shoulders are screaming for mercy. JESUS SAVE US they're saying TAKE YOUR BAG OFF. Oh well. I'll be home by tonight. Yes!

Until next time, keep it real please. The world needs more reality.

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