Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My favorite things about being at home and not having to live in a dorm

Home always has it's perks because, well, it's home! And I missed it dearly (especially the part where I'm not stuck in the middle of nowhere). Anyway, I was thinking about home and Vermont and San Francisco and all the little in betweens, and as much as I love college and everything to do with it, I have to say that...college kind of feels like a Motel 6 and home is more of a...Presidential Suite at the Hilton. Ya know? And I know that Bennington has some of the nicest dorms in the country so I would hate to deal with anything else ever.

So I wrote a list! Like always. It's a favorite hobby of mine.
My favorite things about being at home and not having to live in a dorm

1) Walking around nekkid!
Typical home thing; everyone always says "God I can't wait to get home and dance around naked!" (you don't say that? Well everyone else does, so...) It's been liberating not to have to be covered up every second, like I'm some kind of ancient relic being transported from one museum to another, and if I see the light of day, I'll shatter or break. Walking from the bathroom to my room has been way more relaxing since getting home. At school it always some kind of huge event.

2) Bathrooms that don't have peeling ceilings (woo! rhyming!), clogged drains, and unidentifiable hairs (probs pubes?) on the floor
Yeah. This speaks for itself. When you're sharing a bathroom with six other people (some times seven, with one of my hallmates' occasional squatter), it gets pretty gnarly.

3) Singing really loudly and not being afraid of the fantastic singer who lives next door to you judging your ass of
Yep! This fantastic singer actually happens to be one of my best friends, so I doubt he'd really guffaw at me raucously through the walls, but, I still feel quite timid. And I do love to sing. Good thing my nearest neighbor here is about 20 feet away and through a thick brick wall! Alright!

4) A mattress that doesn't feel like two planks of wood against my back with a couple nails here and there, poking out to destroy my life
Seriously, the mattresses=ouch. My mattress pad does a pretty good job at evening out the kinks, but some times, when it's mid year and I've pretty much flattened the pad, things get nasty and I hate it. I had forgotten what a good expensive mattress felt like till I flopped into my bed here at home.

Bennington is kind of elitist about music. That is all.

6) Farting openly. Thank goodness.

7) Not being deprived of concerts again
In fact I have about 8 lined up for this summer already. Yeees. Last night I saw Patrick Wolf and this Saturday is Bat For Lashes. So wonderful. Bennington gets concerts, but it's like, one a month. In high school, I went to an average of about three to four concerts a month if I could, so I've been going through withdrawal, needless to say.

8) Ethnic food
Like sushi and burritos, instead of just chicken and sandwiches every night for dinner. Sorry but Vermont...it really doesn't get more white. Well maybe it does. In fact, I'm sure it does, but that's besides the point. The point is, I don't quite trust the "China Wok" across from Walmart in Bennington, while I do definitley trust, say, some little mom and pop restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown (the first and largest Chinatown in the US). The comparison is kind of ridiculous.

9) Being able to "SHUT UP ASSHOLES"
...at the people making noise in the house without stimulating a house intervention meeting about courtesy. Okay, so that never happened, but mostly because I never yelled "Shut up!". Maybe once. And people thought I was a huge bitch. So I never did it again.

10) My room
Plain and simple. The old photos, the posters, the loft bed, the stuffed animals...aah childhood, adolescence, and adulthood all wrapped into one.


  1. I completely mistook the meaning of squatters at first... which led to some unpleasant speculation. Really unpleasant.

  2. Hey, I would point out that we do have ethnic food at Bennington by the way. How very racist of you to decide that exotic food cooked by white people must be bad. I suspect that a great many actual Chinamen are terrible cooks.

  3. Please, Dude, the term is Asian American.

    I'm just kidding.

    The thing is, Connor my dear friend, we have like three nights of ethnic food: taco night, Asian night, and Jamaican night. The food on Asian night is pretty gross, at least to me. The other two nights are good, but they really don't cover the broad spectrum of countries around the entire world. I'm saying I missed sushi, good Chinese food, Thai food, french bakeries, real burritos, California cuisine...it all adds up.
