Tuesday, June 23, 2009

apparently, i belong in the 1940s

This is interesting because it pertains to my last two posts. I took a quiz to see what decade I should live in (oh, lazy summer afternoons of low productivity).

Here I was expecting the usual outcome of the 1960s, harboring the secret desire of getting placed in the 1920s. But the quiz surprised me. Well, actually, first it really pissed me off. The 1940s? You have got to be kidding me. The war effort. Racism. Lame clothes. Too much pro-America bull shit. World War II in general, and an overwhelming sense of pending doom for the whole decade and beyond. Awesome. Thanks, quiz.

But then I read the response and was surprised by it's relative accuracy. However, I was also scandalized, obviously. Let's take a look at this sucker (and let's also make fun of it because that's ultimately what I do best).

You belong in the 1940s!
You are the ultimate romantic at heart(1). You put a high priority on true love, patriotism, and dedication to honor and duty. Whether it be serving your country or serving your family, you have a very hard work-ethic balanced out by your whimsical, dreamy heart(2). You are willing to take risks, go where no one has gone before, and you have a sense of pride in everything you do(3). Just as you are in touch with your inner beauty, you also give just the right amount of focus on your outer beauty-- standing out with the latest fashions and getting in touch with your sensual side(4). Your sexiness is not scandalous but rather classy and poised. You are the envy of those around you because no matter how much tough work you have to do, you keep a smile and look good while doing it(5).

(1) As much as I hate to admit it, this is too true. I totally fall for the sappy crap of flowers, or the "they get back together at the end!", or "he doesn't get on the plane!", or "she doesn't get on the train!", or whatever. I have ideals about love that I don't discuss very often with anyone. In fact, if you ask me, I'll probably tell you I don't believe in true love or soul mates. But I guess that's why it says "at heart", right? My heart is private.
(2) Also too true. Look, I have dreams and aspirations. I day dream and have crazy ideas about things I want to do or see. But that doesn't mean I can't sit at a desk and file 300 copies of contracts in less than two hours (done and done). I work damn hard! There's lots to do people! Hurry the fuck up! I move fast and often work through lunch. But at the end of the day, I'm still a photographer, I'm still an artist, and I'm still kind of crazy.
(3) I would say this is entirely true, except that I don't think anyone can ever say this. Yeah, I was super dee duper proud when I went to see Good Charlotte in 9th grade! Well, I'm not proud now. Thanks a lot.
(4) Excuse me while I go laugh until my guts spill onto my keyboard and I die. L. O. Fucking. L. I guess you could call me stylish since nowadays it seems to be cool to mismatch your clothes and wear baggy shirts (god I had been waiting for this. Thank you, American Apparel). But sensual? Yeah. Go talk to my non existent love life then observe me awkwardly initiating conversation about glue sticks with a guy I like.
(5) Sounds like a line from Sex and The City (bleh), but shit - I can live with that. However if I am ever employed on a horse ranch, I promise you - I will not look good. Same goes with a zoo or fish market.

So there you have it. If I had to sum up this quiz's results in one sentence, looks like it'd be "I am a hot office babe and people love me." Nothing could be further from the truth. But it's all in sport.

What is interesting to delve into, however, is the fact that upon sneakily stalking my friend's results on Facebook, they are all pretty good descriptions of the people in a nutshell (give or take a couple - like that girl who is a huge bitch yet somehow still gets the "You're wonderful!" result. That's why people should let other people take quizzes for them).

I guess what I really believe though is this: you have a pretty good sense of yourself, at least on the subconscious side, and during a quiz, you are not actually actively participating in the quiz, but in fact, your subconscious is taking it for you. Thus, you know who you are, you know how to answer, and you know where you're headed for your results. It's all innate in the end. Like you really need a quiz to know which Hogwarts house you're in (sup, Ravenclaw, represent.)


  1. I would first argue that quizes have a vested interest in telling people good things so that they will publish the results (to your intense annoyance).

    Secondly, I would say that in reality it would take an incredibly intricate test to actually bring out who you truly are. You may have a sense of yourself, but that is merely your mind constructing a "self" a cohesive whole that you take to be you. The real you lies underneath and often I would say that most people answer those quiz questions with what they would like to really be like, the kind of self they already construct for themselves however true or false that image may be.

    On a third note. "Ultimate romantic at heart". Is better combined with clumsiness. It forces the interested parties to really get to know you and build a deep relationship. Those are the worthy ones.

    On a fourth totally uncalled for note.
    Doodie, that is all.

  2. 1) God damn it. I hate that. I'm going to make a website of just bad quiz results

    2) I couldn't agree more. That's why it's just for fun in the end. I hate people who take it as some kind of sign from God though...

    3) Yes. I am also clumsy. Do boys like me yet?!?
