Friday, June 19, 2009

this is what I call "the slow death of Facebook"

Whenever I log onto Facebook, I have at least three notifications. Can you guess what all three usually are?

a) Someone posting something on my wall or commenting on a photo of me, etc
b) The Heroes application telling me I just acquired a new super power
c) People commenting on my hilarious, witty, or beautiful status
d) Quizzes telling me my dumb ass friend just took a quiz that is totally retarded and that I should totally take it because it will waste my time and piss me off

A lot of the time, it's can be a, b, or c (yes I have the Heroes application. Shut up.) But guess what? More than half the time it is the answer d. Yes. Fucking quizzes.

Okay, so maybe I was little harsh in my description, but seriously? I get so many of these that I'm starting to hate logging into Facebook. Plus they are constantly in my news feed as well: "Random person you went to high school with and barely know just found out they are Princess Belle! Which princess are you?" Frankly, my dear, I don't give a flying fuck.

And it's not like I can just click "Hide" next to the news story and then automatically hide all quizzes forever. Nope. You have to hide each individual quiz as they show up. And I'm willing to bet there are a lot of quizzes on Facebook right now. Hence, there is no way I will ever hide them all. Ergo, I will continue getting quiz notifications and news stories for the rest of my life (or whatever).

I'll be honest: I've taken a few. You know, "Are you a true San Franciscan?" "What state do you belong in?" "Which Gilmore Girls character are you?" (wait, what?). But you don't see my results up in other people's faces. Why? Because I don't click "Publish." You also don't get notifications from me because, drum roll please, I DON'T INVITE ANYONE. Do people not get this? You don't HAVE to invite people to the quiz to get your results. They just make it seem that way. But if you look above the invite box, there is a link that says "continue to results." Click it. Please. In the name of everything holy, please click it.

Maybe some day I'll stop being asked what kind of drunk I am. Honestly, if you have to take a quiz to know that, I can tell you: you're a super drunk.

Please good people, unless the result is out of this world funny, keep it to yourself.

And thus ends another pointless rant by me. I guess, in the end, I do this for the humor.


  1. Hey maybe all the blackout drunks are still unsure what kinds of drunks they are due to their aforementioned mid-drunk status.

  2. Too true, too true. I should have known better.
